Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common problems I see in my practice.  The severity, duration and intensity is variable but the predominant reason for patients attending physiotherapy is the same.  They are in pain and the pain is affecting their daily lives and ability to carry out activities.

There are short and long term goals when it comes to physiotherapy treatment of lower back pain.  The short-term objective is to reduce or resolve the back pain and therefore increase movement and ability to carry out functional and sporting activities.  The long-term objective (especially for those suffering with chronic lower back pain) is to teach self-management for back care.

Treatment of acute lower back pain will vary from patient to patient as it is dependent on each individual.  However, treatment primarily involves education and advice, some hands-on mobilisation of the spine and soft tissues and a gentle exercise programme to mobilise the spine and begin to strengthen the muscles around the spine.

Long term self-management of the spine involves discussions around ergonomics at work, advice and education, more advanced exercise programme to mobilise the spine, pelvis and hips and strengthen surrounding structures.  Progress can take time, especially if the problem is chronic but it is important that the set programme is followed.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) has recently published:

“10 Things You Need to Know About Your Back.”

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy May 2017, accessed 9th May 2017, <>

It is well worth looking at this as it has a lot of relevant (researched based) information in the publication. It may well answer some questions you have regarding lower back pain.

If you are suffering from lower back pain and unsure whether physiotherapy will be able to help you, please do not hesitate to contact me and we can discuss your problem in detail and determine what the best course of action is for you.



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